Purchasing Opportunities

Security Camera Maintenance & Support

Request for Proposals - CLOSED

Security Camera Maintenance & Support
Request for Proposals - CLOSED

Agency Decision issued November 21, 2023

October 16, 2023 - November 17, 2023

RELATED DOCUMENTS: RFP - Security Camera Maintenance and Support Info Packet


  • What is the current VMS?
    Support of the VMS is out of scope for this agreement and is being withheld as a security precaution.
  • Are existing problems ie. bad cameras. cabling, etc. excluded from this scope? Or is it to be assumed anything not working will be encompassed into this agreement and repaired from day one under the agreement terms?
    A small subset of cameras (58 as of 10/26/2023) have issues (black screen, cloudy lens, incorrect location data) and repairs are actively being addressed, either through replacement or other means.  It is LCSO’s intent to have the vast majority of issues resolved by the time this agreement is put in place.  Outstanding camera issues not addressed when the agreement takes effect will be considered in-scope.  Per the RFP, the selected vendor will be given the opportunity to validate the condition and health of the in-scope cameras, as well as a detailed inventory identifying all installed cameras and those deemed as Critical. 
  • Is it possible to provide a remote demo to support our bid either prior or post before bid award? We have a live health monitoring plan that is very impressive with full reporting details and automatic repair/dispatch services. The demo takes close to an hour is all.  Please provide details and capabilities in your response.  The selection committee will make the determination regarding demos or additional non-printed submissions after initial scoring.
  • Is there a preference on being quoted for Comprehensive Labor and Material, or as Time and Material?
    A:  LCSO prefers a predictable billing model that accommodates most services as a recurring (fixed rate) monthly fee. 

  • In regard to the preventative maintenance, what is the expectation? Does every camera require a physical inspection as the agreed upon cadence, or would an assessment be made from reviewing the cameras with the contact on site to determine which cameras may require attention?
    A:  LCSO expects on-site review, assessment, and maintenance of all in-scope security cameras.  At least monthly, a full review and health assessment will be completed to ensure that all devices are functional and operating at acceptable levels.  Reason will dictate the need to physically inspect the device, but the intent is to ensure the ongoing health and availability of the cameras with as little staff overhead as possible.

  • Are lifts needed for any of the cameras for service or PMI?
    A:  It is estimated that a lift is needed for approximately 70 cameras currently in operation.  Leon County Facilities has a lift onsite that is generally available for use but may – at times – be serving other projects.  Five (5) exterior cameras require a specialty lift that neither Leon County Facilities nor LCSO can provide, due to the location of those specific cameras.  Per the RFP, the selected vendor will be given the opportunity to validate the condition and health of the in-scope cameras, prior to award.

  • What video management system are these buildings using (for generating camera health reports and real-time monitoring)?
    A:  Support of the VMS is out of scope for this agreement and is being withheld as a security precaution.  As originally envisioned, selected vendor would not be responsible for real-time monitoring of video feeds due to security and privacy issues, but for response to explicitly submitted problem tickets and those discovered during routine onsite PM.  Email-based alerting can be explored for camera-specific issues not related to the VMS, where available.

  • Would a walk thru be available?
    Per the RFP, the selected vendor will be given the opportunity to validate the condition and health of the in-scope cameras, prior to award and after initial scoring of responses.

  • What format is the response required in? Would a regular quote suffice?
    Proposals should be submitted electronically to LCSO.RFPSecurityCameraMaintenanceList@leoncountyfl.gov no later than 11/17/2023.  The proposal should include detailed information about the vendor's experience, qualifications, previous projects, approach to the services outlined in this RFP, and a breakdown of pricing and costs – both fixed and variable.

  • What are the selected or approved camera types?
    The predominate camera manufacturer is Bosch.  LCSO expects to continue with Bosch as the de facto standard unless there is a compelling reason to change.

  • We generally do not cover vandalism with our maintenance agreements. Are you asking for vandalism to be covered?
    Cameras are occasionally damaged by inmates despite best efforts to avoid via various protective measures.  The rate of such damage is minimal.  LCSO is willing to entertain both options but coverage would be seen as a value add.

  • Need explanation on items E & F in Section B.
    These items speak to the mounting hardware and protective apparatus immediately surrounding some cameras, meant to protect them from damage.  Please submit a more specific question if this does not clarify your understanding.

  • Necessary Conduit or conduit runs to be covered in maintenance?
    Should cable conduit be needed to install or make repair to a camera, the intent is for the scope of service to include that work.

  • Please explain the “touchscreen integration”?
    LCSO maintains a system that allows for some cameras to be controlled via touch-screen monitors along with other building systems.  While that system is out of scope for this agreement, coordination will be needed in cases where some cameras are repaired/replaced, to confirm continued operation.


Invitation to Bid - CLOSED

Galls Class C uniform Award letter


Bids are currently CLOSED

September 22, 2023 - September 28, 2023

Bids were opened on September 22nd

The following bids were received:

  • Top Tier Graphics & Apparel
  • Galls
  • Jonah's Enterprises inc.


Invitation to Bid - 2023-Uniforms
Bids Due by September 28, 2023 at 2:00 pm EST

Addendum: Maverick Spec Sheet


  • Since there are no quantities mentioned in the Bid, I assume that there is not a specific know quantity but would there perhaps be a historical record of how man of each items have be purchased in the past? Please reference on page 3 under “Purpose”
  • I also note on the pricing page that you are asking for Items with Product Number from a Promotional Products supplier but since we are one as well are we expected to get prices from them or can we source the item from the manufacturers? Please reference on page 9 under Manufacturers’ Brand Name, and page 13 under Specifications.
  • No Elbeco only 5:11 no subs? please reference page 9 under the section: Manufacture’s Brand Name.
  • Will the buyer consider substitute items of equal quality and function? Reference page 9, under Manufactures Brand Name
  • Can the bidder choose to bid on selective items? Yes
  • Can you please furnish the old bid tabulation, if available? This can be obtained through a Public Records Request at http://4.wjjqcg.com/Citizen-Center/Records-Reports-Requests 
  • Kindly provide us with the Bid Tabulation of the previous contract. This can be obtained through a Public Records Request at http://4.wjjqcg.com/Citizen-Center/Records-Reports-Requests

  • Please let us know the vendor/ vendors for the previous contract. This can be obtained through a Public Records Request at http://4.wjjqcg.com/Citizen-Center/Records-Reports-Requests

  • What are the preferences considered when evaluating this bid? SBE, MBE, local preference, etc? Reference page 7, under Minority/Women Business Enterprise Participation

  • Will the award be to one vendor, multiple vendors by line item or group? Reference page 6, under Award of bids.

  • Can Prices Be Modified Annually During the Renewal Process of Bid? This would be part of your proposal.

  • Kindly provide us Total Expenditures incurred for past contracts over the last 5 years. This can be obtained through a Public Records Request at http://4.wjjqcg.com/Citizen-Center/Records-Reports-Requests

  • If we are to submit the bid response by Email, do we still need to send the original copies to you? Yes please.

  • Kindly let us know the size/ dimension of the Sheriff star logo. 3 ¼”W x 3 ¾”H

Inmate Health Services

Request for Proposals - CLOSED

UPDATE: June 3, 2022  Notice of Intent to Award


***The Leon County Sheriff's Office announces the following changes to the Schedule of Events for RFP D-22-01  (Posted 05/02/2022)***

Week of May 27, 2022   Applicant Selection (changed from week of May 2, 2022)
Week of June 3, 2022  Contract Award (changed from week of May 9, 2022)

Bids were opened on April 15, 2022 at 10am in the Procurement Office.  The following bids were received:

  • Diamond Pharmacy
  • Yes Care
  • Well Path
  • Vital Core Health Strategies



  1. Inmate Medical RFP March 2022 RFP D-22-01
  2. Inmate Medical RFP March 2022 RFP D-22-01 Revised (Corrected Pre-Proposal Zoom Meeting Date on cover page)
  3. Inmate Medical Services FY 2021
  4. Inmate Medical Services FY 2022
  5. 21.08.10 Heritage Health Solutions, Inc. Agreement
  6. 17.10.01 Fully Executed Corizon Health Services Agreement
  7. 19.10.04 First Amendment to the Inmate Health Services Agreement
  8. LCSO Detention Medical/Dental Equipment Inventory
  9. LCSO Detention Medical Computer Inventory


(1) Question: On the Cover page it lists the Mandatory Pre Proposal Conference via Zoom as March 22, 2022 at 10:00 am. However, on page 5 of the RFP the Zoom meeting is listed as March 21, 2022, at 10:00 am. What is the correct date of the Zoom meeting?

Response: The correct Zoom date is March 21st. The RFP has been corrected and website updated to ensure the dates match.

(2) Question: Also, I noticed in the language that a performance bond will be required once the contract is signed. ACH believes that a performance bond is better suited for a construction bond where the company can draw down 80% of the total cost in order to buy supplies. That is not the case in this type of service. The county is billed for the month before in a NET30 bill. There is less of a chance that the County will be out more than 8.33 percent of the total contract. Will Leon County agree to remove that section from the RFP?

Response: Sheriff’s Office will not waive the performance bond.

(3) Question: I understand from the RFP that the number of attendees from each vendor for the Facility Tour, March 23 cannot exceed 2. Is there a limit to how many can attend the Zoom call, March 21? Also, please confirm that anyone planning to attend the Facility Tour must attend the Zoom call.

Response: There is no limit to the number of attendees on the Zoom call.

(4) Question: Since the current schedule indicates that answers to questions won’t be posted until a week before proposals need to ship, will the County consider an extension of the due date to allow for a minimum of two weeks from the time that answers to questions are posted? This would provide vendors with sufficient time to analyze and incorporate the information into their proposals and would result in stronger proposals with better prices for the County.

Response: Thank you for your suggestion regarding scheduling. As the RFP was just published yesterday, this Office does not at this time believe that the schedule needs to be amended.

(5) Question: Page 41, items L 3 and 4: Please clarify what is meant by “Project Owner’s representative” and “Project user agency’s representative.”

Response: As set forth in the RFP, page 41, paragraph L is asking bidders to illustrate experience etc. A bidder may be providing current or past service to either a private corporation or company, which would have an OWNER. A bidder may also be providing services to a public (governmental) AGENCY. Thus, (3) would be referring to a private business or corporation that you are or have provided services to, such as a private hospital, and (4) “agency” would refer to a governmental/public entity, such as a sheriff’s office or a state prison.

(6) Question: Page 41, items M and N. Is item M asking for a detailed description of our approach to the scope of work while item N is asking for a plan outlining the transition and contract implementation from the current vendor to the new vendor? If not, please clarify the difference between these two items.

Response: M is asking to outline the services to be provided. N is asking for a schedule of events and time/task schedule to be able to perform duties commencing 01 October 2022.

(7) Question: The Non-Collusion Affidavit appears to require a notary specifically from Florida. For companies that are not based in Florida, would you consider a notary from another state acceptable?

Response: Yes

(8) Question: The time frame for proposal submission is relatively short for a project of this magnitude. The date for responding to questions leaves less than one week before proposals would need to be mailed. As such, would you consider a two week extension to the due date?

Response: At this time, the schedule of events remains unchanged

(9) Question: Can you please provide a copy of the current healthcare contract, including all amendments?

Response: Copy of current contract and amendments will be placed on the LCSO website where the RFP and other documents are posted.

(10) Question: Please clarify the difference between the hour for hour paybacks and liquidated damages for vacancies. Will they both be assessed for positions that are vacant beyond 30 days?

Response: Yes. See page 13, Vacancy.

(11) Question: Please provide a list of current vacant positions.

Response: Rn 1.5, LPN 3.5, BH clin 1 Dent Assist .4

(12) Question: Please provide the current use of agency staff.

Response: Employees of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office do not provide inmate health services. Leon County Sheriff’s Office personnel provide security and transport services.

(13) Question: The RFP requests resumes for key personnel such as the Health Services Administrator, Director of Nursing, Medical Director, etc. Typical industry practice is for an incoming vendor to evaluate the current staff in those positions with the Sheriff’s Office administration to determine if there is mutual interest in retaining them. As those positions are currently employed by the incumbent provider, will you consider job descriptions for those positions including required education and experience in lieu of resumes?

Response: If a bidder does not include the names and resumes of key personnel, LCSO will consider that in evaluating the response.

(14) Question: Please confirm that the Contractor is not responsible for the cost of any offsite services.

Response: The Contractor is not responsible for the cost of offsite services.

(15) Question: Who is responsible for the cost of ambulance transportation?

Response: LCSO

(16) Question: Who is responsible for hosting the current EMR, the Contractor or the Sheriff’s Office? 

Response: LCSO hosts the current EMR (Correctek) on LCSO-owned equipment, and currently pays the annual software license maintenance cost for that software. LCSO would entertain a vendor provided and supported solution.

(17) Question: Who is the Internet Service Provider and what bandwidth are they providing? 

Response: The current service provider maintains their own private internet circuit for provider-owned and managed computers.

(18) Question: Who is responsible for providing and supporting phones? 

Response: LCSO provides and supports all land-line desk phones.

(19) Question: Will the network (switches, Wi-Fi, router, Internet, etc.) be the responsibility of Leon County or the contractor? 

Response: LCSO provides and maintains the network switches, wi-fi, routers, etc. for any LCSO provided desktops. For service provider provided desktops, the service provider is able to use our patch panel, but no additional network gear.

(20) Question: Is there a wireless network? If so, does it extend to medical? Does it extend to the locations for medication administration? 

Response: Wireless service is available to LCSO provided desktops and laptops for access to internal resources. If the service provider desires wireless access to the dedicated circuit that install, the provider would need to supply the necessary equipment.

(21) Question: Who is responsible for providing helpdesk support to the medical users? 

Response: LCSO staff provides support for LCSO provided machines and software.

(22) Question: RFP Page 6-7 Prohibited Communications: To ensure vendors do not inadvertently attempt to engage in prohibited communications, please provide the names and titles of the members of the Evaluation Committee.

Response: It is anticipated that the members will be Director Brandy Coxwell, Captain Craig Carroll, CFO Elise Gann, Chief Norman Mack, and Captain Georgella Dent. However, these names are subject to change based upon operational necessity of the LCSO.

(23) Question: RFP Page 23 General Question & IV. Scope of Services, HIV Medications: The RFP notes the LCSO has a separate contract for healthcare and pharmaceuticals for HIV/Aids inmates. There is no other reference to how pharmaceuticals are procured. Is the Contractor responsible for obtaining pharmaceuticals as part of this contract

Response: The Contractor is responsible for pharmaceuticals with the exception of those obtained for HIV/Aids patients by Bond Community Health.

(24) Question: RFP Page 23 General Question & IV. Scope of Services, HIV Medications: In the current inmate health services contract, the Sheriff’s office is financially responsible for the cost of HIV, dialysis, Hepatitis C medications/testing, and Factor 8& 9 products. Can the Sheriff’s office confirm these costs will remain the obligation of the Sheriff/County?

Response: LCSO will continue that current practice.

(25) Question: RFP Page 26 IV. Scope of Services, Hospital and Specialized Ambulatory Care: This section notes the Contractor will establish contracts with specialists for outpatient services. Pages 3 and 17 note the Detention Facility contracts with a third-party administrator for these services. Will the Sheriff’s Office please clarify which party is responsible for contracting and which party bears the cost for offsite hospitalization and specialty services?

Response: The current contractor works with Heritage (third party administrator) to establish agreements with local providers for services that must be provided outside of the facility. LCSO would expect that to continue. The outside medical services are paid for by the LCSO. This is the current practice and LCSO would expect the same to continue.

(26) Question: RFP Page 38 IV. Scope of Services, Forensic Information: In the event an involuntary collection of specimens is required and conducted by an outside party, is the medical contractor responsible for the cost of obtaining the specimen?

Response: No

(27) Question: RFP Page 60 Fee Proposal Form: The current contract has pricing for each year of the contract term. The RFP requires a flat fee for a three-year period. To provide more competitive pricing, will the County consider modifying the fee proposal form to include five individual years of pricing?

Response: As this is not a question, but rather a request to modify the RFP, no answer is required. The RFP will stand as written.

(28) Question: Can you please provide a copy of the current healthcare contract, including all amendments?

Response: Copy of current contract and amendments will be placed on the LCSO website where the RFP and other documents are posted

(29) Question: Please clarify the difference between the hour for hour paybacks and liquidated damages for vacancies. Will they both be assessed for positions that are vacant beyond 30 days?

Response: Yes. See page 13, Vacancy.

(30) Question(s): Please provide a list of current vacant positions. / Please provide the current use of agency staff.

Response: Employees of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office do not provide inmate health services. Leon County Sheriff’s Office personnel provide security and transport services.

(31) Question: The RFP requests resumes for key personnel such as the Health Services Administrator, Director of Nursing, Medical Director, etc. Typical industry practice is for an incoming vendor to evaluate the current staff in those positions with the Sheriff’s Office administration to determine if there is mutual interest in retaining them. As those positions are currently employed by the incumbent provider, will you consider job descriptions for those positions including required education and experience in lieu of resumes?

Response: If a bidder does not include the names and resumes of key personnel, LCSO will consider that in evaluating the response.

(32) Question: Please confirm that the Contractor is not responsible for the cost of any offsite services.

Response: The Contractor is not responsible for the cost of offsite services

(33) Question:RFP Section 1.1. Introduction (p 2). Please confirm Detention Facility’s accreditations and dates of last audits:

Response: a. FMJS –2021, b. FCAC –2019, c. NCCHC –2018, d. PREA--2018

(34) Question:Non-Collusion Affidavit. (p 55). Please provide a revised form as the one in the RFP indicates that the form is being notarized in Florida rather than where the contractor may be located.

Response:A bidder from other than the State of Florida may line through the word “Florida” and write in the name of the State where they are located and completing the affidavit.

(35) Question:Fee Proposal Form. (p 60). The Fee Proposal Form says Consultant rather than Contractor/Firm for a line to be completed. Will this form be revised or should the Contractor complete this form as is?

Response: Bidders will use the form included on page 60. LCSO regrets that the word “consultant” was utilized in error and the intended word was “Contractor”.

(36) Question: Is there an opportunity for the Contractor to submit exceptions? If so, how should these be provided?

Response: LCSO is seeking a bid for the services requested in the RFP. LCSO is not interested in receiving bids with exceptions.

(37) Question:Litigation and Claims History Form. (p 58). The form as presented indicates that each legal claim is to use one form. Can the litigation history be provided with the required information in a table to limit an excessive amount of paper for five years’ of litigation?

Response:A bidder may submit the litigation history in a table to reduce the amount of pages.

(38) Question:

Dialysis: a. Are dialysis services currently provided on site or off-site?

Response: Able to do either, but currently the provider will only do off site.

Dialysis: b. Who is the current dialysis provider?

Response: Davita

(39) Question: Please identify the current vendors:

a. Mobile X-ray

Response: Techcare

b. Ambulance Service(s)

Response: Leon County EMS

(40) Question: Does the Facility provide a medication assisted treatment (MAT) program? If so, please provide details.

Response: Yes, Offsite clinic

a. Do you currently continue MAT medications (methadone/buprenorphine/naltrexone (Vivitrol) when a patient comes into your facility already on them in the community or do you require them to detox?

    1. If you continue MAT medications, what medication(s) do you provide?

Response: Offsite clinic determines

ii. How many are you treating on average in a month by medication?

Response: The last one we had was prior to April 2020

b. What medication management do you currently use for your opioid dependent pregnant females? (methadone/buprenorphine, etc.)

Response: The last one we had was prior to April 2020 and we continued the meds that were prescribed.

c. Do you currently induct new patients into MAT treatment at the Facility prior to discharge?

Response: No

i. If yes, what medication(s) do you provide?

Response: N/A

ii. How many are you treating on average in a month by medication?

Response: N/A

d. Can you provide what percentage of your intakes come in on a verified MAT program?

Response: None currently

e. Can you provide what percentage of your intakes have Opioid Use Disorder?

Response: 15 %

f. Do you have a community provider that you currently work with for methadone? i. If yes please provide the name and contact information for the provider.

Response: Local Leon County Methadone clinic

g. Do you have grant funding for MAT?

Response: No

i. If yes please provide details.

Response: N/A

h. What is your anticipated budget for MAT?

Response: Unknown as there is insufficient information to estimate.

i. Have you considered costs other than staffing?

Response: No

        1. Medications
        2. Drug Screens
        3. Labs
        4. Supplies
        5. Additional Custody staff

ii. Do you want to establish a licensed and certified on-site OTP which has its own associated costs?

Response: LCSO would not be opposed

(41) Question: Is it the intent that the current community mental health provider will continue to provide services under the new contract, in addition to the mental health services provided by the new Contractor?

Response: The community mental health provider will continue to provide the services that it is statutorily required to provide pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 394.

(42) Question: Please provide a list of all medical and dental equipment that will be available to the new Contractor, including model, age, and condition.

Response: A list will be posted on the website once available.

(43) Question: Please provide a list of all office equipment and/or computers that will be available to the new Contractor, including model, age, and condition.

Response: A list will be posted on the website once available.

(44) Question: Please identify the on-site specialty clinics conducted at the Facility and the frequency.

Response: Mental Health, Dental, Diabetic, Detox, HIV

(45) Question:What is the frequency of the on-site chronic care clinics?

Response:Monday - Friday

(46) Question: Please identify the current preferred provider network.

Response: There is not currently a “preferred provider network”. Several local providers are utilized based upon need of the facility and the availability of services by outside providers, selected by the current medical provider. Heritage Health Solutions works with the local providers on costs.

(47) Question: Please provide a list of currently used off-site specialty providers.

Response: Any community specialist referred to by the doctor.

(48) Question: Please identify the hospital(s) used for emergency and inpatient care?

Response: TMH and CRMC

(49) Question: Please identify the Detention Facility’s JMS system.

Response: Inhouse system created by our MIS team.

(50) Question: Which discipline/credential conducts intake/receiving screening (e.g., RN, LPN, EMT, Mid-level Provider, etc.)

Response: LPN and CNA

(51) Question: Which discipline/credential conducts 14-day health assessment (e.g., RN, LPN, Mid-level Provider, etc.)

Response: RN

(52) Question: How frequently is Provider sick call conducted per week?

Response: Daily

(53) Question: Who currently provides discharge planning services at the Facility?

Response: None specifically

(54) Question: Are there currently any unfilled positions? If so, please identify the position(s) and the length of time unfilled.

Response: RN 1.5, LPN 3.5, BH clin 1.0, Dent Assist .4

(55) Question: RFP Section IV. Medical Services. (p 17). Please clarify the following statement in the Medical Services paragraph. “LCSO has a contract with a provider that negotiates prices for offsite medical providers, and the Contractor will work with and share information regarding that contractor to assist in the provision of off-site medical care.”

a. Please identify the provider.

Response: Heritage Health Solutions (“Heritage”).

b. What off-site medical services are negotiated by the provider?

Response: A copy of the current agreement with Heritage will be posted on the LCSO website along with the other documents associated with the RFP.

c. What is the role of the LCSO’s provider vis-à-vis the new Contractor?

Response: See the current agreement with Heritage posted on the website with the RFP.

(56) Question:RFP Section IV. Health Evaluation of Inmates in Restrictive Housing. (pp 32/33). Please clarify the need to have Mental Health rounds in Restrictive Housing 7 days per week.

Response: The “need” is based upon the fact that inmate mental health issues are not limited to Monday through Friday. 

(57) Question:RFP Section IV. Existing Mental Health Staff. (p 15). Please clarify the requested increase of mental health staffing by 7 FTEs vs. mental health services and staffing currently provided.

Response: As set forth in page 15 of the RFP, LCSO intends to significantly expand and improve the current mental health program for inmates. As furtherset forth in page 15 of the RFP, it states that the following list is a guide but is not dictated or required.

(58) Question: RFP Section IV. Dental Services. (p 28).

a. Is the LCSO satisfied that 16 hours per week is sufficient for the current ADP?

Response: NO

b. Please identify the dental services required.

Response: As set forth in RFP page 2, “An on-site dental services program to meet the needs of inmates, e.g., initial assessment, extractions, examinations, and emergency treatment.”

c. Please identify the current dentist. Is this a staff position?

Response: The dentist is contracted by the current medical provider. If the question of whether this is a “staff position” means is the dentist an employee of LCSO, the dentist is NOT an LCSO employee. See page 14 of the RFP, Existing Inmate Health Staff at LCSO.

d. Is there a backlog in delivery of dental services? If so, please provide details.

Response: Yes, there is currently an unacceptable delay in providing services in a timely manner, based upon inmate population.

(59) Question: When are PPDs implanted – during intake or during the 14-day health assessment?

Response: During the 14-day health assessment

(60) Question:Electronic Medical Records:

Response: We use Correctek currently

a. Will the Facility’s IT infrastructure support EMR installation, or will additional cabling and drops be required?

Response: In the opinion of LCSO’s IT Director, the current infrastructure should support the needs of a typical EMR install if one was required.

b. Who will be responsible for additional cables/drops, if required—the County or the Contractor?

Response: If required, LCSO would need to outsource installation of additional cable drops. Reimbursement for that expense can be discussed during contract negotiations.

c. Will internet connectivity be available to the Contractor?

Response: Internet connectivity is available for desktop machines and equipment that LCSO provides. Applications and connectivity specific to the service provider will not be available on those standard LCSO machines. The contractor is expected to supply any machines and software specific to their needs along with the network connectivity to support them.

d. Does the Facility currently have wireless capability?

Response: Wireless service is available to LCSO provided desktops and laptops for access to internal resources. If the contractor desires wireless access to the dedicated circuit that exists, the Contractor would need to supply the necessary equipment.

e. What is the County’s expectation for a “go live” date for the EMR system?

Response: LCSO currently utilizes an EMR system. Thus, it is expected that the contractor who provides services will utilize an EMR immediately upon commencement of the project, on October 1, 2022.

(61) Question: Will there be an opportunity to ask additional or follow-up questions.

Response: No.


Proposals Due by April 14, 2022 at 2:00 pm EST

Upgrade to Helicopter Video Downlink Transmitters and Antennas

Invitation to Bid - BID CLOSED


  1. Downlink RFQ Bid Number 2202-Aviation 02


(1) Question: Due to electronic part shortages and supply chain interruptions due to Covid-19 and now Eastern European conflicts, equipment build times may exceed the allotted delivery timeline of June 29th 2022. Would LCSO allow for an extension on the delivery times in the event there is an impact due to part shortage issues? This possible lead time delay would affect only the Troll System equipment which is currently identified as 120 day ARO.

Response: LCSO will issue a purchase order to the winning bidder without delay once the RFQ period has ended. LCSO will extend the delivery timeline until July 15th providing approximately 125 days for delivery. In addition, due to time required to program and test the equipment as required in the RFQ, LCSO agrees to accept proof of equipment delivery from the manufacturer to the vendor as receipt of equipment.

(2) Question: Regarding warranty coverage of existing equipment request, would LCSO consider partial warranty coverage on existing equipment including (2) Vislink HDR5000 receivers, (2) Sencore MRD400 decoders, (1) Vislink IPL 2000 microwave link, (3) Vislink HDH1000 receivers, (2) Lynx 2174 receivers? As some of these items are beyond their service life and in some cases obsolete, warranty options may not exist or would be tremendously expensive to procure.

Response: LCSO accepts that some of the existing equipment has exceeded manufacturers warranty periods. For these pieces of equipment vendor will provide diagnostics and reasonable attempts to rectify equipment problems. Post warranty factory repairs or obsolete equipment replacement, if necessary, would be the responsibility of the LCSO.

Proposals due by March 8, 2022at 5:00 pm EST

Helicopter Video Downlink Receiver and Server Upgrades

Invitation to Bid - BID CLOSED

Bid Awarded to: Helinet Aviation Services, LLC


1. Helicopter Video Downlink Receiver and Server Upgrades Invitation to Bid

Proposals due by June 21, 2021 at 5:00 pm EST

Inmate Mental Health Services

Request for Proposals - WITHDRAWN


  1. Inmate Mental Health Services RFP

Proposals due by July 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm EST

In accordance to the language in our RFP #2021-DoD-Mental02, section II (L)

"Reservation of Rights: LCSO reserves the right to reject and and/or all proposals, in whole or in part, when such rejection is in the best interest of LCSO. Further, LCSO reserves the right to withdraw this solicitation at any time prior to final award of contract."

At this time LCSO will be withdrawing the RFP.
